Saturday, April 14, 2012

Journey of a Shadow

[:1](Man I've lurked this place so long I forgot my initial sign-up nickname 8D)

Hello, everyone!

I'd like you all to meet Irongirl, and her pair of Katars.

She has the original skillbuild of the Shadow Disciple.

She plays Hardcore /p8. She kills everything she sees. She never refuses a challenge, and never rerolls her monsters. Just today, she entered Nightmare.

You might've noticed the similarity with Superdave's insanity run, and I won't deny that I'm blatantly copying it, with a different class. I'm only doing it for my own enjoyment, and to be honest, I'm nowhere near as tenacious as he, so I'll most likely get deeded along the road. So place your bets!|||Nice!

I'll have to follow this and see how far you get!

Good luck with Nightmare.|||I actually had my first near-death experience.

This pack (with 3 champions) might not look too dangerous; and they weren't. Until they killed my merc AND my shadow, and proceeded to corner me. Thank god for full rejuv potions and town portals on hotkey.

Andy went down with no trouble. Poison-immune Shadow tanks for my merc, and is recast when necessary.

And the green amulet? It's the second time Andy dropped it for her, just when you don't need it anymore :>

Time for act 2. Luckily my lightning resistance is pretty good.|||Worm bosses can be really annoying.

Wasn't as hard as Duriel himself, though.

I had my first Physical immune. Luckily, I also had a Shadow Master with Amplify Damage.

Mephisto was the easiest endboss yet. And of course, he drops nothing at all as result.

Off to (hopefully a loaded) Hellforge, and Diablo.|||Meh. Only a Fal from Hellforge.

Over the course of this adventure I've seen my Shadow do a number of both neat and annoying stuff. She likes to spam Shock Web, she likes to Convert the mobs I want dead first, she sometimes likes to walk around aimlessly, but at least on bosses she always melees. She even chucks a shuriken occasionally. She never, ever, casts Cloak of Shadows, though, so Arreat Summit is wrong on that.

She also loves spawning with a Flee On Hit mod, which overwrites my Cloak and only lasts an instant. Immediate recast. Other than that she also gets Chain Lightning mods a lot. And Hydras. That looked fun, for the time she lasted :3


I recall SuperDave needed 2 hours to kill Diablo on Nightmare. I can see why, he hits hard enough to one-shot my merc, and my Shadow doesn't last very long if he hits often, either. Still, I believe he was overstating it.

Diablo after 25 minutes of recasting Shadows.

I don't know if Shadows have higher DPS than Valks, but four times as long? I don't think so.

Loot sucked of course.|||Baal's minions will be pain and a half. |||Oh this is cool. Too bad i'll never get to play like this, i get so impatient. D:|||Quote:

Baal's minions will be pain and a half.

Yes for very undergeared characters yes but what I did was I lured them out of the room where baal is because my barb was not strong enough to beat them. Then I was able to reach baal without killing baals minions.|||The OP "never refuses a challenge". |||This would be going faster if act 5 wasn't BORING AS SIN :<

The outside areas are filled to the brim with annoying pathing and mobs that keep running away. /annoyed

Needs a quality podcast to keep me entertained while clearing these areas.

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