Saturday, April 14, 2012

Q's about TS

[:1]whatsup forum

so, ive got some questions about the skill Tiger Strike:


so, Tiger strike adds a multiplier to your next attack or finishing move right?

now, lets say for easy of use that 3 charges adds a 1000% multiplier.

say i have points into Venom, and that it adds 100 poison damage over 0.4 seconds. again, for ease of use.

if i build up 3 charges of TS my next normal attack will deal 10x the basic physical damage right?

what about venom? will the poison damage benefit from the multiplier?

what about on hit mods like: Adds x-x cold damage?

and ctc mods, like 10% chance to cast level 8 firestorm?

will that firestorm benefit from the multiplier? if its cast that is ofcourse.

i know claw mastery gives crit chance, lets say you crit for the attack that releases the charges, will the total damage get doubled?

will venom, on hit mods or ctc mods benefit from a crit?

Thnaks in advance yall, if i have any other questions ill be sure to add em |||Your Physical Damage has +1000% ED added to it. It is added to pre-existing ED% (like Fort). Venom as well as all other elemental damage is unaffected. It does not alter the probability for CTC effects. This damage will work with criticals, but not venom, ctc (unless also physical and also scores a crit), etc.|||AH, so its pure ED to the attack or finisher, formulas change with different finishres, but its plain ED.

if thats the case then i get it now

thanks mate

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