Thursday, April 12, 2012

WSM Bug Question

[:1]If I had a Chaos GT and a Fool's Suwwaya, would I be able to WSM Bug my claws, while still having fools glove side for the attack rating? The suwwaya has 40 IAS on it, so would I be able to um it, and 15/15 my helm and achieve my ideal trap laying IAS the same as using two GT's?

Thanks for any input, to be honest, I've never used the bug before, but I might have to given available claws. TY.|||#1. No.

#2. No.

For WSM bugging, the claws you mention need to be swapped. If you WSM bug, the Suwayyah is above gloves as normal, and GT over boots. However, the GT will become primary. The 35% IAS on chaos will indeed hit the 19 required IAS from the newly bugged -45WSM. It will not get the fool's mod as primary though.

If you leave it with the fools over gloves, and do not WSM bug, the WSM is -15. That takes 75 IAS. If you 15/15 the helm, you'd need to shael the Suwayyah, so it's not impossible to pull it off.

2x GT would be -30 WSM still, so 42 IAS (the 15/15 helm would be needed, and ofc, 40 IAS on the claw).

Chaos on the Suwayyah (over gloves) and a runic fools / fury (over boots) + bugging is the most common method to easily get the trap speed.|||Yeah this is exactly how I understood it too. I was just trying to get clarification out of desperation and weapon availability -_-

Anyway I feel like denying myself an um rune in my fools claw just isn't worth it at all. There goes a large chunk of my open wounds, as as a result a huge chunk of my whirl damage. If I Um'd the suwwaya, would a 15/15 in a helm accomplish anything? I know I'd be at least 1 BP short on my trap laying, but would I be more than 1 short?

Also considering a 40 ias/Um'd Suwa gloveside, and a GT or RT bootside, how viable is a 15/15'd circlet and highlords? The suwaya is cruel/fools/quickness with good skills on it, so the deadly strike might actually be useful to a degree (though primarily it would be used for that 20 ias and 1 skill, similar to how griffon is used over much better circlets for BP requirements.)|||I know that this thread is more than two years old, and I shouldn't be bumping it now, but what sass is insisting is just seriously eating at the back of my skull so I just have to know (if sass is still active)...

Why on earth do you keep insisting that 40% IAS is required with a 15% IAS jewel in the helm which equals 55% IAS for 9 fram trap laying speed when the AWSM is -30...

Can't you get away with 35% IAS in the claw plus 15% IAS in helm to get 9 frame trap laying speed? With -30 AWSM you need 42% IAS. 35% IAS (as in chaos with 35%, NOT fury with 40% IAS as you keep insisting) plus 15% IAS from helm equals 50 which is more than the required amount 42% IAS. I'm referring to this result after the WSM bug. You said the same thing about the WSM bug in a different thread which was older than this one (can't specifically remember which one) so I just have to know after reading it once again in this thread if you can clear this up and I'm missing something here?

Thanks.|||I was writing an explanation but realised I'm just rewriting exactly what Sass said. Do you understand what WSM bugging is and that he wants the Fool's claw as primary?

*It's impossible for the OP to get a combined WSM of -30. If he WSM-bugs (results in -45) he only needs 19 IAS but that would put his Chaos claw as primary. If he doesn't WSM bug his AWSM is -15, which needs 75 IAS for 9 frame trap laying.|||I'm not sure if you're answer is referring to OP or me, but that did not answer my question at all. My question has nothing to do with OP's question.

I'm asking about the Chaos/Fury combo (now I realize I should have been making a new thread about this... but since we're at it now).

My question as clear as possible: If you have a Fury Suwayyah in primary (above gloves), and Chaos Feral Claws in secondary (above boots), and 15% IAS in helm, then you bug the claws, you get -30 AWSM and require 42% IAS for 9 trap laying speed. Now after the bug you're Chaos Feral Claws become primary claws, and these claws have 35% IAS. 35% + 15% is 50% IAS which is more than enough for 9 frame trap laying speed in this case. But what Sass has said two times is that you need 40% IAS on the claw. My confusion is that it seems it wouldn't work with Chaos that only have 35% IAS since Sass specifically said 40% IAS, and not EITHER 40% or 35%. But it should work, since 50% is more than the required 42%.

I think I'm being to picky here, and that the answer is obvious, but I just want to make sure if I'm missing something in the calculation which makes my assumption wrong.|||Ye, I'm not sure what you're missing. Here he says that setup will reach 9 fpa:


Chaos on the Suwayyah (over gloves) and a runic fools / fury (over boots) + bugging is the most common method to easily get the trap speed.

In the OP's example he can't WSM bug, and not WSM bugging leads to AWSM of -15.|||Yeah I understand OP's example, no confusion there.

The example you've quoted from Sass differs a little from my example.

I'm wondering if it should matter when you a have Fury suwayyah above the gloves, and a, for example, Chaos feral claws above the boots, and then you bug it.

This should give -30 AWSM after the bug. But in this case the Chaos feral claws will become the primary claws, which only have 35% IAS instead of Sass given example when Fury with 40% IAS becomes the primary claws.

Logically it shouldn't matter since both cases hit way above the break point of 42% IAS when a 15% IAS jewel is present in the helm. But Sass has only stated that a Fury with 40% IAS in boot-side claw is needed for the bug to work, not that the bug would work in both cases, i.e. both when chaos feral claws become primary claws and when fury feral claws/runic talons/greater talons/whatever becomes primary claws.


2x GT would be -30 WSM still, so 42 IAS (the 15/15 helm would be needed, and ofc, 40 IAS on the claw).|||You want Fury's 40% and not Chaos' 35% because you want Fury as your primary claw rather than Chaos 100% of the time. 35+15 will get you the required 42 break point, but doing so is not a good idea.

My examples didn't specifically deal with the 40% number, but rather the fact that Fury is a superior primary weapon. The "of course" is assuming you'd naturally have the 40, not that exactly 40 is required. I stake the claim that Fury is automatically your primary in all situations (or should be if not already).|||WW chance to hit isn't exactly worked out, but it's important to have the better claw as primary. So we want Fool's AR or the ITD/-def on Fury on the primary claw.

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